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The Evidence of the End Times

Gionah28-May-2023 13:22Font Size Normal Audio OFFAutoscroll OFF Content

Welcome to the “the-evidence” website.


For about 10 years I have studied the Scriptures and astronomy/geology/science to understand if we are really in the period of time that Bible calls the last times or the times of the end. I didn't expect at all that I would eventually discover secrets and things so egregious and so terrible that, in the end, they forced me to make this website and write it all down.

I cannot back down, because new discoveries have to do with the lives of all of us, with our future. So it's a great responsibility that I feel on my shoulders, I wouldn't have wanted to have to do all this because I know that this information will split the mind and the intentions and wills of everyone who reads it. I know that the majority of those who read will become hostile towards me and I know that I will have to endure the criticism and the loss of many people who know me and I know that there will certainly be less than noble attempts at censorship.

But I can't do anything else. There are few, but very few, who will listen, who will understand and who will take the right steps to survive. They are those described in the passage of Ezekiel 9:4 where he tells the destroying angel to go from house to house and to place a “tau” (truth) mark on the foreheads of those who will not be destroyed. They are those of whom Jesus speaks in Matthew Chapter 24 saying that if they see certain things happen to raise their heads because their liberation is approaching.

Here, all this effort of 10 years of unique and unprecedented studies and discoveries is for these people, to reassure them, because their liberation like mine is approaching.

Pleiadi Home

How stars and extraplanetary objects affect Earth, planets and the Sun.

Global Warming Home 2

Climate change.
Let’s discover together the real causes and how it will evolve.

No Ai 2

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External references are added to copy-paste texts.

The Study

The site is divided into two very distinct sections: the scientific astronomical study that I have called the Evidence and the Biblical study of the calculation of Biblical times and Biblical signs of the end. In the first study, Evidence, I wrote about new scientific theories with evidence and time graphs, understandable by anyone, which will ultimately lead to a rather terrible conclusion for the earth and all of us.

In the second study, the Biblical one, I divided it into 2 sections/pages where in one I describe 6 clear proofs of the Biblical signs that are coming true in these times while in the other, I wrote about 6 clear numerical evidence of the Biblical times in which we are living. In the end all the evidence and all the writings and all the reasoning of both the scientific/astronomical section and the Biblical sections fit together perfectly.

Initial developments and motivations

This site publishes a new theory relating to the influence and effects of supernovae on Earth and all the resulting causes. A purely logical-scientific method understandable by all will be used. This theory is completely new and is based on consistent calculations and facts which will be presented with simple explanatory graphs. Please refer to the mathematical detail on new pages/articles that will be published in the following months.

In addition to the influence of supernovae on the earth, the site describes new theories relating to global warming (Global Warming), climate change, increase in viruses and pandemics/epidemics and much more.

Years ago, in 2016-17, a small part of the study was published on Youtube but was no longer updated. Today, after 7 years have passed, the events that were predicted are coming true before our eyes.

For this reason I decided to publish this site and avoid unnecessary waste of time with scientific publications that could be lost in the myriad of studies that are published every year. I have not chosen, at least for now, to publish everything in a book because it does not give me the opportunity to have fast and direct communication with readers.

The site mainly deals with astronomy with extensive Biblical references which however are discussed in another section. Some pages are not accessible to anyone but, to avoid unnecessary controversy, they will only be accessible to those who make constructive comments.

What times are we living in?

We are living in very particular “times”, from 2020 onwards almost the entire population has realized that something is wrong. Politics is increasingly corrupt, all over the world, so-called science can no longer be trusted. Even the religions that once helped us get closer to the Creator and to a cleaner life have all changed today: they follow the spirit of this world where everything is allowed.

For this reason I decided, since the year 2014, to carry out detailed studies to understand if we are living in the last Biblical times, as in chapter 24 of the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus speaks about the signs of the times. They are also often called the end times or the last days or the end of this system of things. But they still show us that something extraordinary is about to happen to the Earth.

I began my studies in 2013/14 and then partially completed them in 2017, the year in which I began to publish several videos on YouTube (only in English) under the pseudonym Jonah. Unfortunately I wasn't able to publish everything and I wasn't able to complete my studies. However, the videos are very understandable and reflect 100% what is described on this site. In the meantime I continued my studies and added many new theories to everything I had learned.

Finally today, at the end of 2023, after realizing that what I wrote years ago is coming true and after discovering that what awaits us will probably be a difficult period, I decided to publish everything. I consider this information very important and therefore I am morally “forced” to publish it and to warn anyone who has the patience to read it.

In fact, the purpose of this site is to warn and make the reader aware of what is probably about to happen in a few years. Many of my theories can be discussed and improved and for this reason I have created an area where you can comment and exchange opinions also supported by a lot of material.

For several years I have been wondering if these are truly particular times that will bring significant changes to humanity. We don't know how much truth there is in everything we hear from the media, from TV to the web. Everyone has their own theory of facts but unfortunately these points of view are often blurred by politics and prejudices.

Unfortunately it is not easy: there are those who talk about religion, about Jesus who is about to return or about epochal changes in society. But they have been repeating the same things for tens or hundreds of years. And there, in fact, one can only believe by having faith, but it is obvious that there is no mathematical certainty.

Others talk about UFOs or Maya or Planet-X or something like that. I have never seen a UFO, although I have always been eye-rolling as an amateur astronomer, and anyone who has seen them has subsequently disappeared and no one can double-check their veracity. Then, if there were, in my opinion, they would stay away from us, given the cunning of humanity.

Others believe in official science: good, but there are no longer the Einsteins of the past, now many scientists sell themselves by doing ridiculous research and sometimes denying what they had said months before. But there is also the majority of human beings who are not realizing it at all, they are probably living too selfishly.

This is why I committed myself to studying these things, to understand where the truth lies and whether these are truly “exceptional” times. I made these studies by praying to the One above us, asking Him to help me have an open and sincere mind.

All the next pages talk mainly about Astronomy and this is the basis from which I started. Looking up at the sky and the stars is something wonderful that we are all driven to do. Looking at the sky and the stars to try to understand our future only on the basis of empirical signs is what Astrology does. In my case I'm not interested in Astrology and I really don't think it can predict the future.

So it's all about Astronomy. But the Bible speaks clearly: there will be signs in the sky and in the stars: Luke 21:25-2625There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and on earth anguish of people“. These signs have their own logic and always indicate that something is about to change on Earth.

So I invite you to read the basic theory on astronomical evidence, on which to start in order to then be able to develop everything else.

In case you are people who are not very interested in astronomy, the stars and the sky, I have summarized the information on a page where everything is described without going into scientific-astronomical details. The link is below:

Usage note

For various reasons, some pages of the site are not accessible to everyone. To avoid spammers or time wasters I have decided to advertise the site via “keywords” so that it will only be reachable via search engines.

So whoever enters will already be a person interested in the topic. Subsequently, only those who have commented in a 'constructive' way will at this point be enabled to the next area.

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