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Topic Epidemics – Pandemics

Gionah13-Nov-2023 18:52Font Size Normal Audio OFFAutoscroll OFF Content

Articles of the Epidemics and Pandemics category

Information on articles that will be published in the future

As I have often written on all pages, details on certain topics will be published in a few months, probably in September-October. Part of the articles are already ready, in the sense that the study was already done years ago, while others are to be finished. Time doesn't allow me to do that work right away and I would also like to see how this publication goes.

If I find little following and few people who make comments and if I see many errors in what I have written and also if, as I fear, many will become violent with their words and word will spread and my life will have to change, well, then I won't post anything anymore. I have no idea how this release will go, but I know one thing for sure that the man stabs you in the back very easily, without remorse. I really wish I could stay away from the spotlight and fame, like Jonah did.

So for now there's just a big question mark over my head but I couldn't keep these things to myself. However, below is the list of articles in the category you clicked. There are 5 categories: astronomy, earthquakes, Biblical references, epidemics and global warming.

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