Biblical last times
All the studies I have done start exclusively from a Biblical context. I am a believer and for many years I seemed to understand that we were at the end of this system of things, not the end of the world, but of this system. The Scriptures give many indications and signs to understand if we are in that period.
In fact all the “signs” contained in the Bible are nothing more than warnings to believers to prepare. But since I'm a bit like St. Thomas I wanted logical and scientific proof of what was happening. Not for lack of faith to have tangible proof of what was happening.
And so, without knowing what awaited me, I began my studies, in the evenings and at weekends and during my free time.
The Biblical point of view
The reason I started these studies in 2014 was simply because I wanted to know if the earthquakes had increased or were stable or decreased. In fact, in the Bible earthquakes are often mentioned as a destruction coming from heaven, as a punishment. Especially in the famous chapter 24 of the Gospel of Matthew a description of the end times is given where among the various signs there are increasing earthquakes.
Matthew chapter 24:7-8: “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes in various places: 8but all this is only the beginning of the sorrows.”.
After several months of studies I had come to the conclusion that earthquakes were on the increase, on the increase since the beginning of the last century. So a piece had already been put in place: earthquakes are on the increase.
It should be noted that, at that time, but also today, no scientific journal nor Wikipedia (i.e., the authors who wrote the pages on earthquakes) reported earthquakes as increasing. They said they are stable, they have always been stable. However, the data and calculations showed them to be clearly increasing. But here I don't have to do calculations or graphs but I just have to report what the Bible says.
In the following paragraphs, in addition to earthquakes, I list other characteristic signs of the time of the end as described in the Bible while on the “signs of the times” page I will list the most emblematic signs.
Signs of the “end times”
Now, I don't want to comment on all the Biblical passages where the arrival of the end of the system of things is explained, this has already been done by many before me and also very well, with love. But there are some passages in which I have a different, new, let's say particular view.
Here, I will only talk about those passages in the Bible where, from my point of view, there are “news” compared to everything that has been said over the course of 2000 years. Below is the list of signs I have found in the Bible that indicate these times as the end of the “system of things”.
Take care that no one deceives you
When the disciples, standing aside, asked Jesus: “Tell us when these things will happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world”, Jesus answered them in Mat.24:4 “…Take heed that let no one deceive you! For many will come in my name (the Savior), saying «I am the Christ» and will mislead many…”. In the following context Jesus speaks of people who arrive or present themselves as “the Christ”, that is, the anointed one, but these are just impostors. So these people present themselves as the chosen ones and as saviors.
Well, how many people years ago were fooled first by an almost non-existent virus and then, like “saviors”, these modern gurus arrived, to whom no one could object, who presented their “laws” as if they came from heaven? How many people have been fooled by a serum that these characters have sanctified? And today most of them have realized that they have been deceived by people who presented themselves as “saviors”. Unfortunately for them there is a price to pay: many have become ill and many have died and are dying.
Two men and two women
This point may seem misinterpreted to many, especially those who believe in the “rapture into heaven.” But I personally tried to double-check it several times and came to the same conclusion each time. Obviously I accept any cross-examination that is done logically and without prejudice.
This is basically the passage from Mt. 24: “As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38For just as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day in which Noah entered the ark, 39 and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away: so also will be the coming of the Son of man. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken away and the other left . 41Two women will grind at the mill: one will be taken away and the other left.”.
It should be noted immediately that the passage begins with the reference to the “days of Noah” and this is no coincidence. My point of view is that the sudden deaths that occur these days and that have (almost) never occurred in previous periods are the fulfillment of the prophecy that is coming true.
The point of view of those who believe in the “rapture into heaven” (I remember that there is no mention of the rapture in the Bible but it is only a theory of men) is the one who says that the person who is taken away goes to heaven and the one who remains will face the punishments of Armageddon.
In Revelation chapter 9 the locusts torment the human race but “And they were told not to harm the grass of the earth, nor the shrubs nor the trees, but only the men who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads”. This passage alone makes us understand that even those who “have the seal of God on their foreheads” will pass through Armageddon.
So what does it mean? It simply means that, just as in Noah's time men were swept away, today they are “taken away” but obviously for both it is death.
This is a very strong and particular sign that we find ourselves at the end of time.
The sky darkens and so does the Sun and the Moon
A very particular passage from the Gospel of Matthew is this: Mt 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will no longer give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken .”
It has often been said by various Pastors, especially Americans, that the signs of the Sun and Moon darkening are Eclipses. But there have always been eclipses. Here, however, Jesus is very clear, he says that before the signs in the sky the tribulations of which he speaks in the previous paragraphs will come, which are deceptions, earthquakes, famines and diseases (4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse). But then the sky will darken.
So in my opinion it can't be anything other than a big volcanic eruption, like a supervolcano that covers the whole earth.
In fact, logically, only a supervolcano can obscure the Sun during the day with ash and completely hide the Moon.
But Jesus says more, precisely in relation to the words of Revelation 6:12
“And I saw, when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and there was a violent earthquake. The sun became black like sackcloth, the moon became all like blood, 13the stars of the sky fell upon the earth, like a fig tree, beaten by the storm, drops its unripe fruits. 14The sky retreated like a scroll being rolled up, and all the mountains and islands were moved from their places.”
In fact, Jesus says “the stars (asters) will fall from the sky” but Revelation makes us understand that they are probably the “volcanic bombs” which are literally fired from the supervolcano all over the Earth.
This is another very strong and particular sign that we find ourselves at the end of time.
And they didn’t notice anything
The world is falling apart, corruption has become normal, the thief is free and instead the innocent are in prison, children are taught things at school that once would have been considered obscene, those who have not been elected by anyone are in charge and no one wants it, people continue to die more than before and from evils that once didn't exist.
The list is long but I'll stop here. So a bad situation where bad is exchanged for good. There is no more art, there is no more music. Here is what Jesus said Mt. 24:37: “… 38For just as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they knew nothing until the flood came and overwhelmed everyone…”.
Well, today very few are realizing this, it seems that the majority has understood something, now they call them the “awakened” but unfortunately they continue to follow the world and this is also a bad sign of hypocrisy.
For example, they experienced dozens of sudden deaths on football fields due to a compulsory product that we all know, but they still returned to the stadiums, to the stands to watch the sport that they now experienced as rotten.
They preach well and scratch badly. Are they noticing something? In my opinion no.
Even the TV that deceived everyone and still deceives today with any show, they went back to watching it. Even music, after they saw singers who were cowardly and scared and even violent towards those who didn't think like them, it doesn't matter, they went back to following these characters again. In these cases the excuse that you do it because you “like it” is not valid. But some liked football, racing F1 cars, many catchy songs, but now they no longer follow, they have understood that everything presented is a lie.
So everyone is a hypocrite, they say they understand but then they go back to doing as before.
This is also a sign of the end times.
Keep watch
In this passage Jesus says to “be ready”: Mt. 24:42 “Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord will come”. Logically what is about to happen and what will happen will be very hard and will perhaps only survive who has prepared.
One way to be prepared is the psychophysical one in the sense that both physically and mentally we will have to be ready to face what will happen. So try to have a healthy life as much as possible and seek the inner joy that only God can give.
Another way is the material one. There is no need to put away a lot of money or a lot of gold that will be of no use at all in those moments, no one will exchange a gold bar for a piece of bread, or thousands of dollars for a little pure water. So you will need to prepare yourself with water, food and above all masks for the air which will become unbreathable.
But who is the servant in charge of the household? Perhaps the prelates, or today's pastors, or those who are “high up” in the “Churches”. We have seen how these people almost all fell into the deception, indeed, they were almost happy to force the followers who followed them to do wrong things.
Even today they persevere with this narrative and have now cleared the minds of those who follow them. These are certainly the leaders of the evil servants. But where are the blessed ones? I don't see any, I see few US pastors or prelates in Europe who have gone against the “narrative” but who still carry forward the usual “rapture” or “trinity” theories. I don't see any, someone help me understand better.
More evidence of the “times”
In the continuous search for the “times” I finally, after 7 years, identified several pieces of evidence that we are precisely in those times. These certainties are divided into two categories: The signs of the times and the calculation of the times. From each of the 2 categories I found 6 decisive pieces of evidence that unequivocally confirm that we live in the “end of times”.
For each category I found 6 pieces of evidence, so there are 12 in total. So I invite you to read the next chapter which talks about the 6 “signs of the times”.
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