Biblical time calculation
Generally speaking, the calculation of Biblical times is not very complex because they are just additions or subtractions, yet, in the end, no one finds them. Just as Jesus predicted, who thanked the Father for having made “these” things known only to the humble and “children”, then I understand how “difficult” it is for us imperfect human beings to be able to understand.
I have learned, over time, that it takes humility and prayers. Below is a list of Biblical time calculations which, however, unlike what I see around, have very precise dates. I could be wrong but the signs are so many, it's almost impossible not to believe them.
The date of birth of Jesus
This is the crux of it all. Based on the calculation of the date I then helped myself in the calculation of all the celestial events. So it should be taken into serious consideration. First let's see what our current knowledge of the birth date of Jesus is.
The official point of view
On Wikipedia the page dedicated to the birth of Jesus says:
“Both Matthew and Luke place the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, in Judea, «in the time of King Herod». While Matthew dedicates a brief mention to it (Mt1,25-2,1[60]), Luke develops the narrative by motivating the journey of Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem with a census called by Augustus[Note 23] while Quirinius governed (Lc2,1-20[61]).
The reference to this “first census” by Quirinius represents a difficult problem to solve: the only census (the “second”?) called by Quirinius which is known to us from other historical sources actually took place in 6 AD, when Herod the Great he was already dead (4 BC). The exact date of birth of Jesus is not known. The traditional date of Christmas on 25 December is late (4th century), and the dating to the year 1 BC is even later, as it dates back to the monk Dionysius the Little (6th century)[Note 24].
According to most contemporary scholars, the birth should be placed in the last years of King Herod, around 7-6 BC; the event can probably be placed at the time of the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad, in the year 752 from the foundation of Rome and in the forty-second year of the empire of Caesar Octavian Augustus”
1. Jesus was not born on December 25th because it is a tradition introduced in the 4th century and the first Christians did not “celebrate” this date
2. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the time of King Herod. But there are 2 king Herods in the Bible: Herod the Great who died in 4 BC and his son Herod (born in 27BC)
3. During the journey from Nazareth, upon arrival in Bethelhem, Jesus was born. The journey was motivated by a census of 6 BC.
4. According to most contemporary scholars, the birth should be placed in the last years of King Herod, around 7-6 BC.
5. Scholars agree that he was not born on December 25th
To recap: Jesus must have been born before the Quirinus census taken in 6 BC: therefore between 6 BC and 7 BC.
More evidence
On the page dedicated to the story of the Three Wise Men, I carefully explain how these scholars of heaven came to know the dates on which Jesus would be born. To summarize, the prophet Daniel in exile in Babylon which is located east of Jerusalem had prophesied the times of the life of Jesus. The scholars of that time who knew him had handed down his writings until the time of the Three Wise Men who, when they saw the star which was nothing other than the “magna” conjunction (which occurs every 1000/2000 years) between Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces, they went to Jerusalem to ask where he would be born.
The “star” could only be seen in the east when they left around April May and was only visible at dawn, but when they arrived in Jerusalem around September the star was in the south, perfectly visible. In fact, during the journey to Bethlehem which is located south of Jerusalem while they were looking for the place, when the conjunction was perfectly visible to the south at 6.34 pm, they saw the manger where Jesus was right under the “star”.
The great conjunction was distributed for 9 months and made 3 super-conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter with brightness but more reached.
The month and day of birth
So Jesus was most likely born on September 30, 6 BC (7 BC if you don't count year zero). In fact, on September 30th there was the maximum both in the brightness (they were both at the closest point to the earth) of the planets and in their proximity. This date is very important to establish, based on the date of death, everything else I will write. Jesus began preaching when he was about 30 years old and the ministry lasted 3 and a half years. Therefore, having been born in September and having died at Easter 27 AD
In the Gospel of Luke in Chapter 3:1 it is written that the baptism of Jesus took place in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. Historians state that the start date of Tiberius Caesar's reign was in 14 AD. But be careful, this date calculated by historians takes as its reference the date of birth of Jesus which has always been calculated in 2 BC. So obviously it's an incorrect date because they didn't know exactly the birth date of Jesus.
At this point the date of his death, after 2000 years, should correspond to April 22, 2027. Everything is like a puzzle that must fit together perfectly.
So now we know that on that date it will be 2000 years since Jesus died for us. From my point of view it is a very important anniversary and will most likely mark considerable changes on earth. In the next paragraphs, to confirm everything, I will list various reasoning and calculations that give meaning to these 2000 years and others that result in these times.
The number of Saints
The number of the Saints is recorded in Revelation 14:1 “And I saw, behold, the Lamb standing on mount Zion, and with him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.”
Now a simple calculation tells us that, if it has been 2000 years since Jesus died then we can do 360 x 2000 = 720,000 and if we divide the result by the 144,000 Saints then it becomes equal to the number 5. The number 5 in the Bible means mercy.
The first passage in the Bible where mercy is spoken of is related to Lot when he was pushed to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, in fact Lot hesitated and was hesitant. Even Jesus said “I don't want sacrifices but mercy”. The same mercy that God will have for us to save you.
This number shows that every 5 days, starting from Pentecost 33 A.D until today, a saint has been found every 5 days.
But as saints it is confirmed that they are not saved by their “righteous” works but as written:
Titus 3.5 “he saved us, not by righteous works done by us, but by his mercy, with water that regenerates and renews in the Holy Spirit…”
This relationship that gives the number 5 is very important because it also explains to us that if we receive mercy from God we can be saved. It doesn't matter what we have done, only repentance.
It is also a confirmation of the importance of the date of 2000 years since the death of Jesus.
Meaning of the number 2000
To give another meaning to these 2000 years which are often called of “mercy”, I take inspiration from the combination with the number 2000 in the Scriptures. These are some passages from the Bible where the number 2 is reported:
“The possible meaning of the number 2000 in the Bible comes from some surprising and sometimes tragic events.
Jesus encounters a man possessed by multiple demons (Mark 5:1 – 17). He is informed by them that their collective name is Legion (verse 9). The devils then ask to be allowed to own a herd of pigs. The demons, after Jesus agrees to this request, possess 2000 pigs who respond by running off a cliff to their deaths at sea!
Then Jesus immediately allowed them to go. And the unclean spirits came out of the man and entered into the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep slope into the sea (they were now about two thousand (2000)), and they were all drowned in the sea (Mark 5:13, HBFV).”
Thinking about it, these 2000 years have been full of wars, disease, famine and death. We certainly cannot say that they were years full of law and justice. To confirm, anyone can search on Google or Wikipedia for the events of a certain year taken at random from the 2000 years of human history.
Every 2/3 years there is a war while new scientific discoveries are slow. Power and money have always established all historical events with violence and deception. In fact, in other passages of the Bible the number 2000 is associated with soldiers at war, often dead or sent into battle.
“Joseph and Azariah were defeated and pursued into the territory of Judea, and on that day about two thousand men of the people of Israel fell.”
“Simon sent him two thousand chosen men, to fight alongside him, as well as silver, gold and much equipment.”
The meaning of number 2000 in the present day means that it is the end of this evil system.
This of the number 2000 in the Bible is another confirmation of the importance of the date of Jesus' death.
The “days” of childbirth
The days of a birth are on average 280-287. After day 287, childbirth no longer returns to normal. The number 280-287 multiplied by 7 gives 1960-2009 which, added to the 27 years of Jesus' death, gives us the years 1987-2036. These are the years of the “birth of the Kingdom of God” which however is a variable date that gives us two values, the minimum and the maximum within which the Kingdom must begin.
But since we know that in 1987 nothing has come true yet and even up to today, we can only imagine what the deadline is, that is, by 2036. In all the Biblical commentaries it is said that the Great Tribulation will last 7 years or two periods of 42 months.
If we add seven years to April 2027 we arrive at April 2034. So, if we follow this date, this indication, we are at the end of the fortieth week and just in time before the forty-first. This is in line with what Jesus said in the parable of the 10 virgins: Mat.25:5 “While the bridegroom was delaying, they all nodded and went to sleep. 6 At midnight a cry went up: …”.
Note that the groom was late and this is exactly the situation we find ourselves in because he is about to finish the fortieth week, after 2036 he will return to the abnormality. In fact, he then says in the parable that he arrives at midnight, right at the end of the day.
Today for us this calculation means that the Kingdom is about to arrive inexorably.
This calculation of the months of childbirth is another confirmation that the period in which we find ourselves is the one described by Jesus of the end of times.
The “times” of the prophet Daniel
This is a passage from the Bible that I personally had never understood and there was nothing interesting out there either. Dan, 12:11-12 “Now from the time when the daily sacrifice is abolished and the devastating abomination is erected, a thousand two hundred and ninety days will pass. 12 Blessed is he who waits patiently and reaches a thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. 13 You, go to your end and rest: you will rise up for your destiny at the end of days”.”
The interpretation in the commentaries of Biblical studies speaks of the “days” of the great tribulation but some are unable to find precise relationships by counting one day for a year. So it seems that no one has ever understood these steps.
Tonight I thought about it and prayed and in the end an interpretation came out that I think is valid. The vision is simple because I had always thought, like everyone else, that when it says the period of time it was thought that it was from the abolition of the daily service to the birth of the devastating abomination it was 1290 days.
Instead, thinking about it carefully, these 2 events start from the same date to arrive at the context of the time of the end. So if the time of the end is during these years and, let's assume that it will end as I calculated in 2034, then just subtract 1335 from 2034. Thus we arrive at the year 700. What happened in those years?
In those years the Dome of the Rock was built and was consecrated in 691/2. But no one knows the exact date because the dates reported inside of 691/2 or AH 72 indicate the beginning of construction and not the end. But assuming that it was consecrated in 700 and we add 1290 we arrive at 1990 which is the year of dissolution/disintegration of the Soviet Union and the year of the fall of the wall and the liberation of millions of people including many Jews who moved to Israel . This is the passage from Wikipedia in English.
But if we add 1335 we arrive at 2035 which is the deadline that I have calculated several times on this site.
If the interpretation is true it indicates to us that we are at the limit of the time of the end reported by the prophet Daniel.
So the passages of the prophet Daniel also take us with the dates to these times and mark another piece that indicates that we are at the end of time.
The interpretations of Jehovah’s Witnesses
The interpretation of Jehovah's Witnesses regarding the seven times written in the book of Daniel is as follows:
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a prophetic dream from God about a huge tree being cut down. Regrowth of the stump was prevented for a period of “seven times,” after which the tree would grow again (Daniel 4:1, 10-16).
What does the tree in Daniel chapter 4 represent? In the Bible, trees sometimes represent dominion (Ezekiel 17:22-24; 31:2-5). In the greater fulfillment of Daniel chapter 4 the immense tree symbolizes the dominion of God.
What is the meaning of the felled tree? The felling of the tree represented an interruption of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, and also an interruption of God's dominion over the earth. This occurred when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, the city where the kings of Israel sat “on the throne of Jehovah” (1 Chronicles 29:23).
What do the “seven times” represent? The “seven times” correspond to the period in which God allowed the nations to rule the earth without interference from a kingdom established by him. The “seven times” began in October 607 B.C.E. (i.e. B.C.) when, according to biblical chronology, Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians (2 Kings 25:1, 8-10). to
How long do the “seven times” last? It cannot be seven literal years, as in the case of Nebuchadnezzar. Jesus indicated the answer when he said, “Jerusalem [a symbol of God's rule] will be trodden down by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). “The appointed times of the nations,” the period in which God allowed his dominion to be 'trodden down by the nations,' corresponds to the “seven times” of Daniel chapter 4. This means that the “seven times” were still ongoing even when Jesus was on earth.
The Bible allows us to determine the duration of those prophetic “seven times.” It tells us that three and a half “times” equal 1,260 days; therefore “seven times” equals double 1,260, or 2,520 days (Revelation [Revelation] 12:6, 14). Applying the prophetic rule of “one day for a year,” the 2,520 days represent 2,520 years. Thus, the “seven times,” or 2,520 years, would end in October 1914 (Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6).
The 607 BCE date of the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians is somewhat controversial because historians place it as 578 BCE.
But in any case Biblical chronology leads to that date which, added to the Seven Times, brings us to 1914 CE. Even before that time, Jehovah's Witnesses preached about the advent of Christ in 1914 and then changed their minds or adjusted the prophecies by saying that a generation would have to pass before the arrival of Christ.
They first calculated the generation in 20/30 years but then since nothing happened they extended the generation period to 70-80 years. In practice they said that the people who had seen the wars of the 1900s, that is, those born at least in 1910, would not all die because the kingdom would arrive first. In the 1970-80s they were so sure of the advent that they published it quite openly in magazines.
Nothing happened, of course, and, since I frequented them at the time, I pointed out the “flaws” of the interpretation from then on but got no response. They carried on hypocritically, pretending nothing had happened. The fact is that their view which they understood from the Bible before 1900 was right but then, in my opinion, they did not continue on that path.
Today, absurdly, they have invented that, to stay in today's times, there are 2 generations and they have made a rather confusing convoluted reasoning but the followers follow them anyway. It has now become a cult.
However, before the Flood God said: “When men began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took them as wives of their own choosing. 3Then the Lord said: « My spirit will not always remain in man, because he is flesh and his life will be one hundred and twenty years.”
God had set a limit to their corruption and wickedness: 120 years after which he would destroy them.
THE number 120 in the Bible:
“The meaning of the number 120 revolves around it being a divinely appointed time of waiting. After God saw how sinful and evil-minded man had become after the Garden of Eden, He determined that a period of one hundred and twenty would be granted years for repentance and then the flood waters would come (Genesis 6:1 – 3).”
If it was true for the Flood then: Mt 24:38 “For just as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they knew nothing until it came. the flood and overwhelmed everyone: so will the coming of the Son of man be.”
So 1914 + 120 = 2034 which is exactly the limit of time given to man for repentance. During the great tribulation apparently one will be able to “convert” and change. But the limit is set.
This interpretation also confirms the timing of these 2000 years since the death of Jesus. Everything fits together like a puzzle.
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
This “calculation” or interpretation is a little ominous but unfortunately if everything comes true we are in the times of which Jesus said: Mt 24:21 “21For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has never occurred from the beginning of the world until now, nor will there ever be again. 22And if those days were not shortened, no one would be saved; but, thanks to the elect, those days will be shortened.”
The passage of the Bible on which I base myself is: Rev. 1:6 “And I saw, when the Lamb loosened the first of the seven seals, and I heard the first of the four living beings say as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” 2And I saw, behold, a white horse. he rode and had a bow; he was given a crown and he emerged victorious to win again.
3When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living being say, “Come.” 4Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. The one who rode him was given the power to take peace from the earth and make them slaughter each other, and he was given a great sword.
5When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living being say, “Come.” And I saw: behold, a black horse. The one who rode it had a scale in his hand. 6And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living beings, saying, “One measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius! Oil and wine must not be touched.”
7When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living being saying, “Come.” 8And I saw: behold, a green horse. The one who rode him was called Death, and his underworld followed him. Power was given to them over a quarter of the earth, to destroy by sword, by famine, by plague, and by wild beasts of the earth.”
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse speak of deception, war, famine and disease. We are seeing with our own eyes the vaccine deception that has led billions of people in the world to have a completely useless vaccination. The vaccine and false science have become for them a totem to be worshiped and woe to those who question it, they are branded as blasphemous. Then the war in Ukraine with the involvement of dozens of nations. We are waiting for famine, as usual unfortunately it will hit Africa the most but in Europe it will become an economic crisis. Finally, poverty will bring other diseases but this time serious and real.
Unfortunately, to understand if this prophecy is coming true, we need to count the deaths: certainly not a good job. So I got busy and it seems that through courageous people we have come to the provisional knowledge that at least 17 million people have died from vaccines. However, the number seems to me to be underestimated, this is because I am following, day after day, various channels where sudden deaths are reported and they show no signs of decreasing but rather seem to be increasing.
So I made a “crawler” program to download various websites of local newspapers, even small ones, where everyone knows each other and cannot hide the reality. It turns out that deaths are also increasing sharply for 2024. If I have time I will do an entire article on this topic.
To these deaths we must add all the deaths in the Ukrainian war where they no longer have people available to go and fight, so much so that they send people with disabilities or elderly people as young as 70 to the front. Since the population was around 8 million, a quick calculation tells us that at least 2/3 million were dead or seriously injured.
Now it appears that the 4 Horsemen in the Bible will act until the end of the great tribulation, that is, until 2034 if the calculations are right. If that is the date, then the number reported in the Bible could come true: a quarter of the world population, 2 billion deaths.
This too is a confirmation of the exact times in which we find ourselves.
The star of the Apocalypse
In the Bible the celestial bodies, the stars and the planets were made as signs, signs of the times. It has nothing to do with astrology but much more to do with astronomy and mathematics. These signs are unmistakable. We find confirmation in Genesis 1:14 “…Let there be lights in the firmament of the sky, to separate the day from the night; let there be signs for the feasts, for the days and for the years..” and also Jesus in Mt 24,30 “Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven and then all the tribes of the earth will beat their breasts, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”
The star of Jesus will probably be the supernova Antares which will be visible all over the world. Below I list all the signs of the sky found:
Birth of Jesus
– Magna conjunction Saturn and Jupiter in Pisces, triple and lasting 9 months and with maximum brightness of the 2 planets. Every 1000-2000 years
– After birth at 2 years. Supernova of 5 BCE recorded in Chinese annals.
Death of Jesus
– 6 Apr 27 8:51 EV Mars and Saturn
– All gaseous planets on the opposite side of the earth. Every 164 years
– Earthquake at the death of Jesus probably caused by cosmic rays from the supernova of 5 BCE.
Pre tribulation
– Double solar eclipse over the USA in 2017 and 2023 and 2024 forming a cross
Supernova visible to all
– Supernova magnitude -14: every 20,000 years and more.
– December 9, 2026 6:20 Antares appears before the Sun, perhaps a visible supernova.
– December 9, 2026 8:30 Probable explosion of Antares as a supernova that goes into conjunction with the Sun and the Moon and forms a triangle.
– 9 December 2026 Conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Regulus. Conjunction lasts months, double. Visible all night and morning. Every 300 years.
Arrival of supernova cosmic rays
– All gaseous planets on the opposite side of the earth. Every 164 years.
– 9 April 2027 Saturn-sun conjunction. Every 29 years.
– The solar cycle will be in a decreasing phase, more or less halfway through its descent. But since it is anomalous due to cosmic rays, it will have huge ups and downs. But more “low” than “high”. Furthermore, since the magnetic field is weak, more cosmic rays will pass through.
So the further calculated sign will be the probable Antares supernova exploding in December 2026.
I have explained this theme in detail on the page dedicated to the star. The chances obviously aren't many but, combined with everything else, they become almost certain.
I would like to summarize a little because at this point there are many clues and signs and we all know that “many clues prove”. So I summarize everything, the calculations made of the dates and the signs of today's world and the heavens. This is in the hope that those who read realize what is about to happen, realize that this world can no longer go on like this, realize that there is something to be done. This is the evidence with dates leading up to these times:
- The date of birth and the relative date of death of Jesus. In 2027 exactly 2000 years will have passed.
- The number of “Saints”, 144,000, is related to the 2000 years with a ratio of 5 which means “mercy”. Mercy for us and for what we will go through.
- The number 2000 in the Bible is associated with evil things, just as these 2000 years were terrible and full of wars
- If we multiply the normal days of childbirth by 7 we see that the limit of the 40th week reaches the year 2035/2036.
- The periods of the prophet Daniel chap. 12 lead to the year 2035 after which those who survive will be “blessed”.
- In the interpretation of Jehovah's Witnesses of 1914 the maximum summable date is 120 years which brings us precisely to 2034.
- The number of deaths increasing all over the world, much more than that declared by governments, marks the time of the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse.
These instead are the signs of the times we are living in:
- Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on the increase.
- Increase in wars and armed clashes.
- Famines on the rise even though it is only 2024 and it will probably get worse..
- Increase in people who “influence” others and deceive.
- Deaths, sudden deaths and unknown illnesses on the increase.
- Signs in the heavens as at the time of the birth of Jesus.
This is all the evidence. It's hard not to believe it.
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