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The Evidence

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Conclusions and warnings

Gionah02-Mar-2024 19:06Font Size Normal Audio OFFAutoscroll OFF Content

My point of view

I have been doing this study for many years and initially I had no idea where it was taking me. After 2-3 years I published something on YouTube but only in English. Unfortunately I no longer had time to follow and abandoned YouTube and the project of making everything known on social media.

I no longer intended to post and subsequently follow. But I continued my studies which, thanks to many prayers, led me to discover incredible and new things but I still didn't want to publish them. Months ago I put together all the results and “evidence” and began to think that it was my duty to make the “reality” known.

In these cases there are 2 paths. The first is that we believe we are the chosen and best and pride prevails. The second is to look at reality and that is that we are all sinners, we are all lost without God, lost. Therefore we must not exalt ourselves above anyone but bitterly realize our shortcomings.

Well, in 2017 I took the first path, I thought I could excel in social media and become “famous”. I was very wrong. Today, however, I didn't want to publish anything, but the evidence collected is too much to be undecided, even if I don't consider myself a top person, I have to take into account that everything I've discovered isn't my stuff. Furthermore, many studies should be further investigated. But there's no time.

In the end I'm publishing the site, and if I'm publishing it, then it means I believe in it. Obviously there is always doubt, and we are fine with it, if there is always a mistake and we are fine with that too. Despite everything I have learned, which is perfect, but in the end I know that I, who am imperfect, is involved.

Advice to the reader

Of course I already know, both from experience from the publications made on Youtube in 2017, and from what I hear from others who have written similar things, well, I already know that those who will listen will be those with a ready heart. From the experience of the pandemic I have seen how the “heart” of man is corrupt. Many people without thinking in the slightest, out of fear or interest, have treated badly those who did not see like them. They joined together in a large virtual group, where they felt like an elite and snubbed, chased away and despised those who were not like them.

You couldn't make them reason, fear had closed their minds and if you tried to insist they became violent. Well, I can already imagine the reactions of this type of people: gratuitous insults without any principle or connection. What advice can I give to people like this. The only way is to humbly continue to repeat the logic of things. Nothing else can be done with them.

But there are others who are already ready, they don't wait for anything else, they stay day and night waiting for some rays of the Sun to enter their minds. They are waiting for freedom from this crazy corrupt world, from the daily absurdities that follow one another. Even if they don't understand Astronomy, even if they aren't interested in the details of what I have written, they look forward to new things. They are the ones who are suffering because of all the injustices we see on a daily basis.

Here, these are the news with which you can take a little breath, you don't know how much longer this crazy world will last, you would like to see its end as early as tomorrow morning, but the next day is still there, worse than the previous one, but believing in what I have written in you, and it has already come true in me, the words of Jesus in Luke will be fulfilled. 21:28 “When these things begin to happen, rise up and lift up your heads, for your deliverance is near.”

I have described these things and everyone can see them, these are the things Jesus talked about, they are happening more and more. But from all this study there is a fixed time for those who behave evilly today.

What to do

I must always take inspiration from the Bible because it is the best teaching. 2Pt. 3:10 “The day of the Lord will come like a thief; then the heavens will disappear with a great roar, and the elements will be consumed by heat and dissolved, and the earth will be destroyed with all its works.” and following 2pt 2:11-12 “Since all these things must end in this way, what should be your life in holiness of conduct and prayers, while you wait and hasten the coming of the day of God, in which the heavens in flames they will dissolve, and the elements that are set on fire will melt!”.

The advice is clear: we must behave well, in holiness, and pray. Therefore, since understanding comes from God, if there is a catastrophe it is good to prepare. Not with tons of stuff, or weapons, or gold. But first psycho-physically, with a clear mind and a healthy body. Then yes, put away food, but above all water and gas masks. Yes, the air will become unbreathable, for months, and the water will be acidic, for months, perhaps years.

Then, I would like to point out, just as the Scripture says “he comes like a thief” I also do not know the precise day, the one in which “the heavens will disappear with a great roar, the elements, consumed by the heat, will dissolve and the earth” , but with the study I have done I now know the period, there is this certainty.

We await a new world

The final part is just wonderful. I imagine a world without hypocrites, without lies, without backstabbing cowards, without hatred, wars, famines. A world where everyone can live in their own home without padlocks on the doors. A world where there will be no fear of traveling far and wide. A world without money, without money, where what one does is exchanged with others.

But I let the Scriptures speak, again in Second Peter, immediately after he wrote about the tribulation he says: 2 Peter 3:12 “For we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.”, beautiful words because there will be true justice.


2Pt 3:12 “For according to his promise we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

«Then justice will dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness will dwell in the fruitful field. The fruit of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness will be quietness and assurance forever. My people will live in a peaceful place, in secure dwellings, in quiet resting places.» (Isaiah 32:16-18)

All healthy, no diseases

«Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped; then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing for joy.» (Isaiah 35:5,6). «No inhabitant will say: I am sick”, because “the people who live in Zion”, the city of God, “have obtained forgiveness.» (Isaiah 33:24).


«The wilderness and the dry land will be glad, the desert will rejoice and blossom like the rose; it will be covered with blossoms and rejoice with joy and with singing… They will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.» (Isaia 35:1,2)

Prosperous life for all

Isaiah 65:21-22 “«They will build houses and inhabit them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They will no longer build and another inhabit, nor plant and another eat; for as the days of a tree are the days of my people; and my elect will long enjoy the work of their hands.»“.

Well, if you believe all these words then only one thing I can say: happy you. Amen.


The list is really long and varied because since 2014, and even before, there have been many people and websites that have helped and inspired me.
Like before, my wife, who put up with me and was always close to me. Then, a “thank you” to the Jehovah's Witnesses who taught me the Bible many times and, even though I am no longer attending them now, they have remained in my heart. the times spent with them. If it were not for their teachings I would never have understood that we are in the “end time”, if it were not for them I would not have studied prophecies and the Bible and I would never have studied whether earthquakes are increasing. So thank you.
I also thank the country that is currently hosting me, England, a great country.
Then I have to thank Google: without its powerful search engine I wouldn't have been able to do much and the time would have taken a lot longer. Also Youtube, which gave me the opportunity to publish in 2017.
A huge thank you also to Wikipedia, a wonderful project that is giving knowledge to everyone for free.
Not least all the YouTube channels that have rekindled the desire to study the stars that has always been within me.
But first of all God who had mercy on me, who held me in the palm of his hand, and slowly taught me.

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