Biblical signs of the last times
Over time I have always studied the Bible and in particular I have always been interested in the “end times”. Even when I was young I often read Daniele's book: I liked it very much, but I understood little or nothing about it. But I must say that I have received many teachings and I also thank them from religions that I no longer follow today. I have never spoken on a podium and I have been listened to but this time I have made up my mind, I am writing what I have found for those who have the heart to listen, knowing however that I will also find many terrible oppositions.
1. Volcanoes and earthquakes
This theme has always been the basis of everything for me: I always told myself that I would only “follow” if I saw earthquakes and volcanoes increasing. I have studied these last 10 years and I had the answer immediately: they have increased. I have spoken extensively about this topic in all the pages of “Evidence”. Here, however, I talk about it from a Biblical point of view.
First Revelation Chapter 6:12 “12And I saw, when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and there was a violent earthquake. The sun became black like sackcloth, the moon became all like blood, 13the stars of the sky fell upon the earth, like a fig tree, beaten by a storm, drops its unripe fruits.”
In many passages of the Bible it speaks of earthquakes that bring destruction and the wrath of God to the earth. What doesn't add up in the Apocalypse passage is that the Sun and the Moon become black. Many “shepherds”, especially in the USA, have gone too far when they talk about eclipses. But the Bible speaks clearly because in the following passages it says:
Rev 6:15 “15Then the kings of the earth and the great ones, the commanders, the rich and the mighty, and finally every man, whether slave or free, all hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; 16and they said to the mountains and the rocks: »Fall upon us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can resist it?»”
So eclipses have nothing to do with it. What is it then. It is a large volcano, only a large volcanic explosion, like Yellowstone, can cause a cataclysm of the kind as described. But the Bible talks about earthquakes and Jesus also talks about earthquakes. If you carefully read all the pages of Evidence you will understand why.
In fact, I came to the conclusion that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are the same thing thanks to this Biblical passage. Except that earthquakes are underground while eruptions are at ground level. In fact, under the earth's mantle there is a very large, slightly “pockmarked” area, air and water pass through it, the magma that arrives from the center of the earth from time to time reaches certain heights on the surface: when it is low then it explodes like an earthquake, and when the lava reaches the surface it becomes a volcano.
In fact, when an earthquake happens, notice, they always talk about the epicenter. The epicenter is nothing other than the point where the underground volcano exploded. Once again the Bible teaches us and tells the truth.
A – The Huaynaputina volcano, in the Andes, Peru. Before the eruption of February 1572, several earthquakes occurred under the volcano which filled it with magma. This is another confirmation that earthquakes are underground volcanoes.
B – Figurative description of how an earthquake is formed. Faults made of clay cannot fit together. Too soft can’t happen.
2. Wars
Jesus, in chapter 24, spoke of “this generation will by no means end until it has seen all these things.” So we're talking about a generation that will see these things. However, there is a spontaneous question that arises: How long does a generation last? In the Psalms we talk about how long a man lives on average and says 70-80 years. Many have taken this as an excuse to mistake it for a generation, but in reality the Bible spoke of age.
The simplest thing is to calculate the average age at which children are “generated”. Once upon a time it was 20 years, today it is even 30. So the generation that sees wars is the millennial generation or Gen Z: the last. From 2000 onwards, wars have increased dramatically, without counting today with Ukraine which has already caused millions of deaths.
Today European nations also want to send soldiers, and many have already sent them as mercenaries. A war in Europe that once seemed impossible, unbelievable, is now reality. Unfortunately, however, we are talking about millions of deaths, including civilians.
Revelation 6:3 also speaks of wars and famines “3When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living being say, “Come.” 4Then another horse came out, fiery red. The one who sat on it was given power to take away peace from the earth and cause them to slaughter each other, and a great sword was given to him.” The same things that Jesus said are repeated in Revelation, the Bible is coherent and everything has a logic, like the next chapter where I will talk about famines.
Below are two graphs that confirm that once again the Bible was right and true.
3. Famines
When I studied this topic some time ago, I was in disbelief because it seems that no one is dying of hunger anymore. At least here in Europe, where I live, there is opulence, perhaps less so in Ukraine where there is war. In Asia, where they used to go hungry, today everyone has something to eat. The weak point, however, is always Africa.
However I take the information from Wikipedia En: “Over the course of the 20th century, it is estimated that between 70 and 120 million people died due to famines worldwide, of which over half died in China, with approximately 30 million who died during the famine of 1958-1961.”. In the 21st century, however: “Until 2017, deaths due to famine around the world had declined dramatically. The World Peace Foundation reported that from 1870 to 1970, major famines killed an average of 928,000 people per year.[25] Since 1980, annual deaths have fallen to an average of 75,000, less than 10% of what they had been until the 1970s.”
They have declined in the early part of the 21st century. But be careful, the Bible says that the green horse (the one of famines) follows the red horse (the one of wars). And it is logical, after every war there are always crises and hunger. But however, they did not have time to shout victory because in 2020 the following complaint was made which had been underway for some time “On 20 April 2021, hundreds of humanitarian organizations from all over the world wrote an open letter to The Guardian newspaper, warning that millions of people in Yemen, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Honduras, Venezuela, Nigeria, Haiti, Central African Republic, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Sudan were at risk of starvation.”
Worse still in 2021: “In November 2021, the World Food Program reported that 45 million people were “teetering on the brink of famine” in 43 countries and that the slightest shock would push them over the precipice. This number had increased since 42 million in early 2021 and 27 million in 2019.[28] The slightest shock – be it extreme weather linked to climate change, conflict or the deadly interaction of both drivers of hunger – could pushing tens of millions of people into irreversible danger, a prospect the agency had been warning about for more than a year. Afghanistan was becoming the world's largest humanitarian crisis, with the country's needs exceeding those of its other countries most affected: Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria and even Yemen.[29]”.
Then in 2022 with the war in Palestine another shame before the world: “Over a million Palestinian refugees in the city of Rafah are being starved to death by the Israeli occupation forces, a situation that is now classified as famine.[30]
Over 80% of all people currently classified as Phase 5 on the scale used to classify food crises around the world are in Gaza. The entire population of Rafah is at risk of starvation and mass death.[31]”
The 21st century has just begun, we are a fifth of the way there and we are at 45 million plus the Palestinians at the end of the century could very well be 250 million. But the green horse of Apocalypse has “just” arrived, we will have to suffer more and more.
Once again the Bible spoke the truth and was right.
4. The “gate keeper”
In Jesus' parable of the “gatekeeper” we see that the sheep recognize the voice of their master and follow him. Today, even before the pandemic, many follow famous people or “influencers”. They think they can find in those people's advice a way to live better and be “smart” in front of others. However, these famous people and influencers, like everyone else, have big problems and hide them by making everyone believe that they “live well”. All hypocrisy.
After the pandemic, however, there is a group of people who did not follow governments, influencers, famous people, or great “doctors” but used their “brains” to understand that a deception was taking place. world. Today everyone knows they were right but everyone reacts differently.
I will talk here about those who didn't follow the official narrative, were smarter, and then became “famous” themselves. So the latter now have their channels full of people following them. Behold, Jesus had warned: “Do not be deceived. For many will come in my name, saying: “I am the Christ”, and will mislead many.”
Unfortunately, the majority of people have an atavistic need to follow some man and so, before they followed influencers, now it's worse they follow influencers and others follow the so-called “awakened”. What does follow mean and what did Jesus mean and what confirms to us that we are exactly in the times that Jesus had predicted?
Obviously these people don't come saying “I am Christ”, but they might say “I am the anointed” which is the same thing. The others follow them with all their strength. I then noticed that they don't doubt what the “anointed one” of the moment says, because for them it immediately becomes like a Totem, a sacred image to follow. They can't be wrong, it's impossible, that's what they think.
Here, these are the “gate keepers” who attract “weak” people towards them and the latter are not capable of reacting or reasoning. They need to follow them, they need a shoulder. These times with the internet and television tell us that they are special and these means do nothing but deceive.
In the end it is all great hypocrisy and is a sign that these are the times described in the Bible.
5. Sudden deaths
Many of you will wonder what sudden deaths have to do with recent times. However, I seem to have discovered a few things in the Bible that reflect this very strange thing that is happening after mass vaccination.
The only “Sudden” deaths that I have found in the Bible are these plus another that I will explain later:
Acts 5:1 “A man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold land 2 and, having kept for himself, in agreement with his wife, part of the proceeds, he handed over the other part and laid it at the feet of the apostles… Before you sold it, was it not your property, and was not the amount of the sale at your disposal? Why did you think of this action in your heart? You did not lie to men, but to God.” 5When you heard these words , Ananias fell to the ground and expired… 7Then it happened that, about three hours later, his wife, unaware of what had happened, came in. 8Peter asked her: “Tell me: is it for this price that you sold the field?”. And she she replied: «Yes, at this price» …Behold, here at the door are those who buried your husband: they will take you away too». 10She immediately fell at Peter's feet and expired.”
They were certainly 2 people attached to money, they had houses, and also hypocrites because they thought they would make a good impression in front of the congregation without taking into account that God saw them. I always wondered that perhaps it was an excessive death, but today I know that behind that single fact there was a whole lifetime of lies.
Here, in these times, before, during and after the false pandemic, humanity has shown the worst of itself: many felt the right to oblige and tell others what to do, many treated badly those who did not think like them, many they barricaded themselves behind false science, many officials used violence against the very people who paid their salaries, those who were supposed to help the workers, the trade unionists, put their heads in the sand. All these things were done with hypocrisy, often saying I do it for others, but in reality it was for them out of their fear out of their cowardice. Immediately afterwards and years later many of these are dying suddenly, just like Ananias and Sapphira.
Another episode is that of King Herod Acts 12:18-22 “18At daybreak, there was quite a commotion among the soldiers: what had happened to Peter? 19Herod had him searched for and, having failed to find him, , he had the sentries tried and ordered them to be put to death; then he came down from Judea and stayed in Caesarea.
Death of Herod Agrippa
20He was furious with the inhabitants of Tire and Sidon. These, however, presented themselves to him by mutual agreement and, after having convinced Blasto, prefect of the king's chamber, asked for peace, because their country received food from the king's country. 21On the appointed day Herod, dressed in the royal robe and sitting on the podium, gave them a speech. 22The crowd shouted: “Voice of a god and not of a man!”. 23But suddenly an angel of the Lord struck him, because he had not given glory to God; and he, devoured by worms, expired.”.
This man full of himself called himself “god” by the people and suddenly they decreed his death. The story goes that he had been sick to his stomach for some time, but the Bible says that he died suddenly, probably full of himself, his stomach punctured. So the Bible says “let him who is anxious take heed lest he fall” and that was the result. Today, even though everyone knows what is happening and what big mistakes have been made there are still many people in authority who don't have the slightest mercy for those who don't think like them. Many times I ask myself: why are they so hard on others, but I can't find the answer except in their stubbornness and their hearts of stone.
Just today I heard that in hospitals, instead of treating people, they fill them with psychotropic drugs to make them sleep until they can't stand it anymore and they die. Dozens and dozens of cases but everyone pretends nothing happened, they put their heads in the sand. Not to mention that in certain countries such as Canada they propose euthanasia to those with serious health problems, not to mention the abortions which today are performed by doctors without the slightest remorse. I could go on for dozens of pages but the mental and heart condition of man is corrupt.
Even these “great” characters we often find dead suddenly.
But I wanted to point out another passage from the Bible that will certainly be controversial for some: Mat. 24:39-41 “so also will be the coming of the Son of man. 40Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken away and the other left. 41Two women will grind at the mill: one will be taken away and the other left. “
This is a key step of the US preachers/pastors, they think that the person who is taken away goes to heaven and obviously they can't wait for it to happen because they judge themselves well and are almost sure they will all go there. But from my point of view those who go to heaven are only the Saints, those who give the p
life to Christ, “normal” men will remain on earth to face Armageddon.
By logic: if they go to heaven to avoid Armageddon, while on earth the “bad guys” will remain who will be wiped out, but then no one will remain on earth unless they take them again and send them back to earth. A little absurd. Then Peter says that 2Peter 2:10″
The day of the Lord will come like a thief; then the heavens will disappear in a great roar, the elements, consumed by the heat, will dissolve and the earth, with all its works, will be destroyed.
11Since all these things must end in this way, what must be your life in holiness of conduct and prayers, 12as you wait for and hasten the coming of the day of God, in which the heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements will melt with fire! “
The apostle Peter speaks openly that Christians will have to face this period and also gives advice to face it by maintaining holiness of conduct and prayers. So it seems to me that Jesus' passage speaks of sudden deaths: whoever is caught leaves dead, whoever remains will go through Armageddon.
6. The “star” of Bethlehem and today’s one
Everything I'm writing is a prediction but, since what happens could be very serious, I took it upon myself to write it anyway. Maybe it will come true and maybe those who listen can be saved.
This is the sign of the star of the end times. Based on the results you will find on the “time calculations” page, the date of birth of Jesus is 7 BC in September. So it will be exactly 2000 years since his death on April 2027.
Based on calculations made and years of studies, it seems that the star Antares is about to explode as a supernova in 2026/2027.
Just as I wrote on the “Antares” page, the star will bring destruction across the earth: there will be many volcanoes exploding, many earthquakes and the worst will come later with unbreathable air in every part of the globe and plummeting temperatures.
The supernova will begin to be visible around December 2026. On the 9th of December 2026 the supernova will rise with the Sun and the Moon and Antares at 8 degrees from the Sun and 9° and 45' from the Moon to the Sun there will be 5° 44'. At 11:31 am, from the city of Jerusalem they will form a triangle towards the south at the height of 33°15'. It will be an unusual sight and, if we can only see it with sunglasses.
Antares should be slightly visible despite the sunlight. Day 9 will be the day of the new moon.
The new moon has an important meaning for all ancient calendars and especially for the Jewish one.
The Moon will be covered by sunlight but an unusual spectacle could occur: since the supernova emits a large number of X and Gamma rays, the latter will make the Earth's atmosphere “shine” which will illuminate the Moon.
We've never had experience with anything like this so it's just a hypothesis.
So we don't have the date on which it will explode (no one knows the day and time) but we can roughly assume that day. Furthermore, the light from the star will be harmless in the sense that, apart from those who look at it directly, it will otherwise only do little damage to the atmosphere due to radiation. So a magnificent show that will seem harmless.
I wrote everything else on the page dedicated to Antares.
From a Biblical point of view, having calculated the date of Jesus' birth and his death, we have that April 2027 will be the anniversary of his death which should be the Jewish Passover, i.e. April 22nd. From an astronomical point of view, cosmic rays arrive after luminous photons. However, the speed depends on the galactic clouds they encounter along the way. Antares is obscured by SCO OB2 clouds. They are clouds of star dust that you can see in the 2 maps below. It is also a region with many stars that will shield cosmic rays.
I was preparing the page for Antares and the new calculation of the crossing times with SN1054 amazed me. In practice, if we were to count the speeds of the cosmic rays that caused Huaynaputina, the final bang would occur in 2038!
But the words of the Bible speak clearly: if God did not shorten those times then all human beings would die (Mt 24:22 and Mk 13:20) and in fact it speaks of the tribulation which will last 7 years. But then how come it goes in 2038?
Here comes the wonder: Antares is closer than SN1572 and in the path there are fewer starry clouds and so the cosmic rays will go faster and everything will end sooner.
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